Tonita Michelle Brooks

Endangered AdultActive
Tonita Michelle Brooks
Tonita Michelle Brooks
Tonita Michelle Brooks
Tonita Michelle Brooks
Tonita Michelle Brooks

Missing Persons Details

Missing Adults

Tonita Michelle Brooks

Missing from
Durham, North Carolina - United States
Case Entered
  November 27, 2022
Current Classification
  Endangered Adult
Source of Record
  MPC Volunteer
Last Updated
Verification Status

Physical Description

Age When Reported Missing
Age As of Today
  Black or African American
Hair Color
Eye Color
  5' 0" to 5
  90 - 120 l
  Last Seen Wearing
  Distinct Features
  •  Sometimes wears cornrows
  • Brooks has distinct crippling of her left hand, a left leg limp, and a scar on the front of her stomach.
  Medical Alert
  • Brooks suffers from epileptic seizures, and her left arm and hand are paralyzed.

Details of Disappearance

Tonita Michelle Brooks was last seen by family or friends on September 23, 2019.

Tonita Michelle Brooks last contacted a family member on August 26, 2019, to let them know she was doing well.  

On September 23, 2019, she was seen in a county building in downtown Durham, North Carolina.  

A family member filed a missing person report on October 25, 2019, after they had not heard from her in two months, and she usually would check-in every week.

Brooks does not have a stable address or a telephone and has previously been found around the Holloway Street area in Durham.

Her family stated she has a very childlike, trusting disposition, and they are concerned for her safety.

Durham: Holloway Street - between Alston Avenue and Raynor Street

Walks or gets into vehicles with strangers.

Who to contact!
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Tonita Michelle Brooks, you are encouraged to contact the Durham Police Department at (919) 560-4600, ask for Jesse Green, Corporal. Be sure to have the case number 19-040575 available as you will need it.

Additional Case Numbers


Be Advised

If you see Tonita Michelle Brooks anywhere, please do not make contact. Call your local emergency number like (911) or the phone number indicated for law enforcement on this record and they will instruct you on what to do. You can also let them know Tonita Michelle Brooks's name and that they are profiled on this site. This way they can visit the profile and get information faster for follow up. You can always leave us a tip on what you saw by clicking the "Tip" link in the menu at the top of this page.

NOTICE: If the information contained in this missing persons profile is inaccurate, needs to be updated, or the person has been located, please let our staff know as soon as possible. Thank you.

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