Ashley Renee Martinez

Suspicious CircumstancesCold Case
Ashley Renee Martinez
Ashley Renee Martinez
Ashley Renee Martinez

Missing Persons Details

Missing Children

Ashley Renee Martinez

Missing from
Saint Joseph,, Missouri - USA
Case Entered
  July 06, 2021
   Cold Case
Current Classification
  Suspicious Circumstances
Source of Record
Last Updated
   January 27, 2022
Verification Status

Physical Description

Age When Reported Missing
Age As of Today
Hair Color
  Light Brown
Eye Color
  Last Seen Wearing
Ashley Martinez was last seen wearing denim shorts, black top, and a red cherry swimsuit
  Distinct Features
Ashley Martinez had piercings of her tongue, navel and ears. She also has a scar on her left arm.
  Medical Alert

Details of Disappearance

Ashley Renee Martinez was last seen by family or friends on July 06, 2004.

According to open source information, Ashley Martinez was last seen at a public pool on 07/06/2004, in St. Joseph, MO. Martinez who was 15 years old at the time, was reportedly seen leaving the public pool with an individual later identified as Christopher Hart. 

Martinez was further reported to have entered the vehicle Hart was driving (1995 Pontiac Bonneville - MO license plate 377MPY). Martinez was believed to have either stayed in the local area, or have traveled with Hart to Nebraska or Washington. She may be traveling in a gray 1995 Pontiac Bonneville with Missouri license plates 377MPY.

Ashley Martinez would currently be 32 years old and has not been heard from or seen since 07/06/2004. In September 2004, Hart was arrested in Olympia, WA. Since his arrest, he has been uncooperative about Martinez's whereabouts or the location of the car.

Who to contact!
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Ashley Renee Martinez, you are encouraged to contact the Saint Joseph Police Department at (816) 271-4777, ask for J Strong, Sergeant. Be sure to have the case number S0082294 available as you will need it.

Additional Case Numbers


Be Advised

If you see Ashley Renee Martinez anywhere, please do not make contact. Call your local emergency number like (911) or the phone number indicated for law enforcement on this record and they will instruct you on what to do. You can also let them know Ashley Renee Martinez's name and that they are profiled on this site. This way they can visit the profile and get information faster for follow up. You can always leave us a tip on what you saw by clicking the "Tip" link in the menu at the top of this page.

NOTICE: If the information contained in this missing persons profile is inaccurate, needs to be updated, or the person has been located, please let our staff know as soon as possible. Thank you.

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