The map below is a geographic reference to the active cases profiled in our database.
Missing People by The Numbers
As of December 31, 2022, NCIC (National Crime Information Center) contained 97,127 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 30,522 (31 percent) of the records and 39,504 (41 percent) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.
During 2022, 546,568 missing person records were entered into NCIC. Missing Person records purged during the same period totaled 543,088. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.
This is a community issue that requires everyone's attention
Approximate Total of Records Entered
Approximate Canceled or Cleared
Approximate Located
Approximate Active Cases
The Missing Persons Center only accepts cases that have been verified with law enforcement and entered into the NCIC system.