Founder & President

Lawrence Olmstead is a veteran investigator with over 35 years of real world experience working on all types of cases for private citizens, the government, news media and fortune 500 corporations.
He is one of the world’s only Court Qualified Missing Persons Experts in homicide cases in which a body has not been found.
Having the honor to be asked to work on some of our generation’s highest profile cases has given Olmstead a unique perspective into the world of missing persons and information technology.
The Missing Persons Center is a tool he envisioned many years ago with the purpose of changing the way missing persons cases are handled on a global basis with the realization, law enforcement can’t do it on their own and how to make a difference is through wide scale community effort.
“We are here to make a change in the way missing persons cases are handled from first responders, to search and rescue, media and social media, keeping cases in the spotlight no matter the missing persons age, race, or economic class.”
Law Olmstead – Founder & President
A small sample of missing persons interviews with Mr. Olmstead