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Cara Cox went missing on May 15, 2022 and was last known to be in Seminole, OK. She is described as having brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 4 inches tall and 120 pounds in weight. She also has a green care bear tattoo on her right shoulder. The Seminole Nation Lighthorse Police Department and BIA OJS Missing and Murdered Unit are seeking information that may assist them with the ongoing search. Submit tips by texting 847411, calling 1-833-560-2065, or emailing ojs_mmu@bia.gov.

- Straight, longer than shoulders to mid-back.
- Possibly wears glasses for reading.
- Pierced ear lobes, both ears top of ears (helix piercing) – unknown if both ears
- Birthmark – left shoulder blade – bright purple and raised, circular.
- Right upper arm – Green Care Bear tattoo.
- Back of neck – scorpion tattoo on the back of neck – scorpion’s tail contains the word “Cara”.
Cara was last seen the afternoon of Friday, 13 MAY 2022 in Bearden, OK. Her last contact with family & friends was on Sunday, 15 MAY 2022
She was believed to be traveling with a male companion who is an OTR driver. He told her family he left her at a rest stop in AZ. Then it was a rest stop in CA. Her family is very concerned for her safety
June 8th, 2022 - Received information of Possible Sighting of Cara near Joseph City, AZ. Reporting party advised that they saw a female walking "on the back roads of Joseph City on the Westover bridge" on June 3rd, 2022 at approximately 17:30 hours (5:30 PM)
Other missing person cases within a 300 miles radius of your current location.