Pay It Forward: How you can help the next family who needs our support.

pay it forward

Thank you for your consideration and generosity in helping us continue to offer the services we contribute to the families of missing loved ones.  We can’t do it without the support of people like you.

Dear Valued Supporter,

Thank you for entrusting the Missing Persons Center with the opportunity to assist in the profiling of your missing loved one. We appreciate your confidence in our services, and we understand the importance of reuniting families during these challenging times. As an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization, we rely solely on the generosity of private donors like you to sustain our mission and provide vital assistance to families facing the heart-wrenching experience of a missing person.

Our commitment to helping families begins with a thorough and comprehensive case evaluation conducted by our experienced investigators. We take every step to ensure that the information provided to us is accurate and verified with local law enforcement where the missing persons report was initially filed. This meticulous process lays the foundation for creating a standardized and compelling profile that is optimized for all social media platforms.

Your contribution goes beyond supporting your case alone; it extends to countless others who may find themselves in a similar situation in the future. With your monthly donation of $25.00 or more, you become a crucial part of our efforts to provide these services to families who may not have the means to cover the costs themselves.

Your financial support enables us to offer a range of complimentary services, including the creation of press releases and video profiles for platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. By maximizing exposure on social media, we aim to gather useful tips from the public that can aid in locating missing individuals. Our team is always vigilant in reviewing and sharing tips directly with the assigned law enforcement agency to ensure no lead goes unverified or overlooked.

Additionally, your donation empowers us to conduct limited investigations using open-source techniques and stay up-to-date with online research. This proactive approach helps us maintain the accuracy and relevance of the information in our files.

In essence, your contribution becomes a lifeline for families desperately seeking the return of their loved ones. Without your financial support, our ability to provide these critical services may be compromised, making it challenging to be there for every family in need.

We invite you to pay it forward by considering a monthly donation of $25.00 or more. Your continued support not only helps us assist you but also ensures that our services remain available to countless other families facing the anguish of a missing person.

Thank you for standing with us in our mission to bring families back together.


Law Olmstead
Founder & President

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