Julie Margaret Vessigault

UrgentEndangered AdultActive
Julie Margaret Vessigault
Julie Margaret Vessigault
Julie Margaret Vessigault
Julie Margaret Vessigault

Missing Persons Details

Missing Adults

Julie Margaret Vessigault

Missing from
Elk Grove, California - USA
Case Entered
  February 09, 2024
Current Classification
  Endangered Adult
Source of Record
  Family Friend
Last Updated
   February 09, 2024
Verification Status

Physical Description

Age When Reported Missing
Age As of Today
Hair Color
Eye Color
  5", 1"
  140 lbs
  Last Seen Wearing
Gray t-shirt with "Sacramento Executive Airport" on front and blue jeans.

Julie often wears jeans and a t-shirt, though she will dress with a nice shirt and occasionally a dress when not working. Her shoes are often black walker-type shoes. She frequently wears a baseball hat, and often her hats, shirts, and dresses have aviation themes. Julie is neat and clean, and does not wear makeup (or rarely).
  Distinct Features
Wears Glasses
  Medical Alert
None Indicated

Details of Disappearance

Julie Margaret Vessigault was last seen by family or friends on January 23, 2024.

Julie had been missing since around 1:30pm on Wed. 01/23/2024.

Around 12:30 on Wednesday 01/23 Julie came in (mother's home), dumped her purse out, grabbed keys and an ATM card, and possibly a California temporary lic., put the rest back into the purse, and left, never saying where she was going. Per her Mom's caregiver, Julie had done that several times before but always returned in 2-3 hours. On 01/23 Julie never returned.

Julie left her cell phone, purse, $100 bill, three un-cashed checks, and took no extra clothing. Julie doesn't go anywhere without her phone.

Julie's job staple has been traveling around the country cleaning warbird, airshow, and small general aviation airplanes. Julie's customers include some of the very best air show performers in the country.

Julie made plans to clean airplanes Thursday and Friday, and to have her Mom's dog groomed. She never showed up for the cleaning appointments and never called to cancel, which is completely uncharacteristic of Julie. But clearly she made near-term commitments, never cancelled them, and never showed up. Completely uncharacteristic of Julie.

Per the caregiver at the mother's house when Julie left as told to me (Person Reporting) at least twice, a text notification "I'm waiting' popped up on the locked screen after Julie left.

Julie's car needed repairs and I think tires. Julie would never leave for a long distance drive with a car that needed work.

Julie's been known to take off for a few days of "Julie time", but in the past per those I asked she always told someone where she was going before she left or within a few days. And she'd never leave unprepared at least to an extent, and always took her phone.

Julie's Facebook posts stopped suddenly after she left on 01/23. Not like her.

I (Person Reporting) spoke with Julie on 01/21 for about 45 minutes. It was a better-than-usual conversation and she didn't indicate, nor did I detect, anything wrong.


Who to contact!
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Julie Margaret Vessigault, you are encouraged to contact the Elk Grove Police at 916-478-8173, ask for Det. Jessica Shapiro. Be sure to have the case number 24-0514 available as you will need it.

Vehicle Details

Vehicle Make
Vehicle Model
Vehicle Year
Vehicle Color
License Plate Number

Be Advised

If you see Julie Margaret Vessigault anywhere, please do not make contact. Call your local emergency number like (911) or the phone number indicated for law enforcement on this record and they will instruct you on what to do. You can also let them know Julie Margaret Vessigault's name and that they are profiled on this site. This way they can visit the profile and get information faster for follow up. You can always leave us a tip on what you saw by clicking the "Tip" link in the menu at the top of this page.

NOTICE: If the information contained in this missing persons profile is inaccurate, needs to be updated, or the person has been located, please let our staff know as soon as possible. Thank you.