Dane Bryan Elkins

Unknown MissingActive
Dane Bryan Elkins
Dane Bryan Elkins
Dane Bryan Elkins
Dane Bryan Elkins
Dane Bryan Elkins

Missing Persons Details

Missing Adults

Dane Bryan Elkins

Missing from
Brentwood, California - USA
Case Entered
  July 05, 2021
Current Classification
  Unknown Missing
Source of Record
  Family Friend
Last Updated
   April 18, 2024
Verification Status

Physical Description

Age When Reported Missing
Age As of Today
Hair Color
Eye Color
  170 lbs
  Last Seen Wearing
He was last seen wearing a blue jacket
  Distinct Features
Elkins may have a beard as seen in the profile photos to the right.
  Medical Alert
Elkins may be disoriented and confused, he suffers from mental health issues and is likely to be nervous about people following him

Details of Disappearance

Dane Bryan Elkins was last seen by family or friends on December 21, 2020.

His last known location, December 20th, 2020 was approximately at 8:20 PM southbound on the 5 Freeway near Templin Highway and Pyramid Lake in Castaic.

Elkins had called 911 twice that evening but when officers arrived he was nowhere to be found, his vehicle (No desc. available) was still running with the tires flat (Unknown how many flat) and his cell phone, wallet and laptop inside.

He hasn't been seen since and his family is concerned.

Elkins is an engineering student at U.C. Santa Cruz.  He is a 23 time World Racquetball Champion and holds a Black Belt Tae Kwon Do.

There have been sightings reported of Elkins in Tarzana, CA. Bakersfield and Mojave, CA.

-February 5th, 2021 Sighting-
According to his mother, Elkins interacted with two witnesses in Mojave, California near the intersection of the 14 Freeway and Mojave-Barstow Highway on Feb. 5, about 50 miles north of the Santa Clarita Valley.  (SEE ATTACHED VIDEO BELOW)

“We had one of the worst weeks, it was his birthday (recently) and it was devastating to be without him, so to get this and have new information… It’s relieving but it’s a different kind of worry,” his mother, Deborah Elkins, said in a phone call with KHTS Monday.

The two women spoke with the man assumed to be Elkins and bought him lunch, during which he reportedly told them that he was traveling on foot northward, possibly to Portland. His mother mentioned that this destination made sense due to another potential sighting in Bakersfield that had been investigated previously.

“I’m so glad that he had the survival skills to make it through the winter, to make it to February, I’m very hopeful,” his mother said.  “I’m very grateful for the community support, there’s a sense of relief that he made it out of Castaic.”

The witnesses further added Elkins mentioned he was on his way to Portland, OR where he had played in some racquetball tournaments.  He is said to have had a backpack and another type of pack he was carrying.  The witnesses were selling cell phones and he may have purchased a cell phone from them.

Who to contact!
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Dane Bryan Elkins, you are encouraged to contact the Los Angeles Police Dept. at 213-996-1800, ask for Missing Persons Unit. Be sure to have the case number NR20326TI and 2008-17726 available as you will need it.

Be Advised

If you see Dane Bryan Elkins anywhere, please do not make contact. Call your local emergency number like (911) or the phone number indicated for law enforcement on this record and they will instruct you on what to do. You can also let them know Dane Bryan Elkins's name and that they are profiled on this site. This way they can visit the profile and get information faster for follow up. You can always leave us a tip on what you saw by clicking the "Tip" link in the menu at the top of this page.

NOTICE: If the information contained in this missing persons profile is inaccurate, needs to be updated, or the person has been located, please let our staff know as soon as possible. Thank you.