No one ever thought it would happen to them . . .
Missing people in your community is nothing to look the other way about and act like it doesn’t effect you or your loved ones because it effects everyone. The more you understand why you should care, the less people will be reported missing. We are all connected!

Vigil held for Maya Millet missing since January 7th, 2021 from Chula Vista, California.
Her husband, Larry Millet has been charged with her murder and her body has still not been recovered. See her missing person profile, click here.
You should care about missing persons cases for several important reasons:
1. Humanitarian Concern: At the core of caring about missing persons cases is a sense of compassion and empathy for the individuals and their families who are suffering. Every missing person is a human being with their own life, dreams, and loved ones. The pain and uncertainty experienced by the families and friends of missing persons are immense, and their lives are forever affected.
2. Human Rights: The right to life and security of the person is a fundamental human right recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When someone goes missing, their basic human rights are potentially violated. By caring about missing persons cases, we are upholding the principles of human rights and advocating for a just society.
3. Public Safety: In some cases, a missing person may be in danger or require urgent medical attention. By raising awareness and actively participating in the search for missing persons, we increase the chances of finding them quickly and ensuring their safety.
4. Preventing Foul Play: Some missing persons cases involve criminal activity, such as abductions or homicides. Caring about these cases can help bring attention to suspicious circumstances and potentially aid in the identification and capture of perpetrators, making communities safer.
5. Community Solidarity: When a person goes missing, it impacts the entire community. Caring about missing persons cases fosters a sense of solidarity and support among community members, encouraging cooperation in search efforts and providing emotional support to affected families.
6. Raising Awareness: Public interest and concern about missing persons cases can lead to increased media coverage and wider dissemination of information. This heightened awareness improves the chances of locating the missing person by increasing the number of potential leads and tips.
7. Preventing Future Incidents: By caring about missing persons cases, we can highlight potential risks and vulnerabilities in our communities. This may lead to improved safety measures and protocols to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
8. Advocating for Resources: Missing persons cases often require significant resources for investigation and search efforts. When people care about these cases, they are more likely to advocate for adequate funding and support for law enforcement agencies and organizations involved in locating missing individuals.
9. Closure and Healing: For the families of missing persons, knowing that others care and are invested in finding their loved ones can provide a sense of hope and comfort. The resolution of a missing persons case, whether through reunion or discovering the truth, can bring closure and contribute to the healing process.
10. Moral Responsibility: As members of society, we have a moral obligation to look out for one another and help those in need. Caring about missing persons cases aligns with this moral responsibility, fostering a compassionate and caring society.
Ultimately, caring about missing persons cases is a reflection of our shared humanity and our desire to create a safer, more just, and empathetic world for everyone.